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The internal @nuxtjs/axios package should be used.

Do NOT import axios from "axios" this will work since axios is a sub dependency of @nuxtjs/axios however is incorrect.

Using the internal @nuxtjs/axios package doesn’t require any imports and uses a special $ prefix to identify itself and any of it’s chained methods. For instance if you want to call axios.get() You would do $axios.$get(), more on this here.

The best and most expressive way to access axios from this package is by passing it as an argument inside curly braces to the components constructor, e.g. thisIsAFunction ({ $axios }) { yourCodeHere }.

Generally speaking axios get requests should be used with the async asyncData() {} parameter of a given Vue Page or Component.

A full example of this is offered below…

export default {
  name: "componentName",
  async asyncData({ $axios }) {
    let conditions = await $axios.$get("/expirement.json");

    return { conditions };
  head() {
    return {
      title: `PleaBargain | StoryBoard`,
      meta: [
          hid: "description",
          name: "description",
          content: "The StoryBoard Timeline"

More on Usage

Setting up Axios for Deploy

While npm run dev will run axios correctly on your localhost:{yourPortName}, when deploying it will try to access localhost instead of the URL it has been deployed to.

One way to fix this is to add a static value for the URL being used; However, a much simpler way is to simply use ‘/’ which will automatically resolve to itself.

To do this open the nuxt.config.js file in the root directory and add or modify the axios: {} options object underneath modules: [], for instance…

export default {
  ** Nuxt.js modules
  modules: [
    // Doc:
  ** Axios module configuration
  ** See
  axios: {
    baseURL: '/' //or add the static URL here (less convenient)

Described Method (Simpler, not quite as broad): Resource on using Axios baseURL option

Alternative (More complicated, uses global environment): Resource on using Axios plugin & env global

Error Handling

The vast majority of the research console relies on axios error interceptors, as most errors have the same outcome and this helps to prevent duplicate and/or poorly scoped code.

this file can be found under ~/client/plugins/axios.js

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