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About VueX and Our Styling & Implementation

Here you will gain some general awareness of VueX, though mostly be provided to the official resources we (the designers) used in addition to learning about our VueX style guide and design/implementation choices.

We are using VueX Modules mode branching off of client/stores/index.js per the default Nuxt Modules configuration.



Make sure to also read Implementation


For more on State


Getters are named arrow functions.

myGetter: state => state.thingIwantToReturn

One important style decision for getters is that when data must be derived from the store for some component it is almost always best to either

  1. Take the getter as-is into the component and use a computed property to do the derivation based on the getter
  2. If you’re using this derivation everywhere make the getter the derivation

In other words while you might feel this would pollute a component with additional code that can be abstracted away in a getter a you generally end up much cleaner if you don’t have lingering getters for every edge case.

This advice is also useful for mutations where actions instead should do most of the work so the mutations are as simple as possible to track down erroneous edits or reactivity issues with state data should it occur.

For more on Getters

Actions & Mutations

Actions & Mutations are both styled using the classic function shorthand.

myFunction () {}


Actions are used for committing to mutations or dispatching other Actions. Actions can also be async, while Mutations must be sync.

It is both recommended and we have found doing any and all logic in Actions is best as it makes mutations as simple as possible and often times re-usable resulting in cleaner, shorter, and better code.

For more on Actions

For standardization Actions should call Mutations with any arguments encapsulated inside an object

commit('myMutation', { arg1, arg2, ... }).

This object should then be destructured in the corresponding Mutation

myMutation(state, { arg1, arg2, ... })

One notable exception that is made is for axios responses the response data should always just be one variable as:

  1. these setter methods are unique to begin with
  2. this reduces dot notation chaining for already embedded objects
  3. the payload should only ever be the response for these type of actions


Again, Mutations should be as simple as possible and defer all logic to the relevant Actions

In cases where an Action must have it’s own Mutation or just in general Actions and Mutations should be given different names for clarity.

For more on Mutations

Beyond this it is recommended to read the official VueX docs.

Reactivity Fundamentals

Vue.set() and Vue.delete() can be used for both arrays and objects. However, several array manipulations are wrapped push(), pop(), splice(), etc. to enable reactivity so they should be used for arrays. This can provide more specific context to a developer on how/where an array is being manipulated vs an object. For more insight read the official Vue Docs on Reactivity.

Continue onto Implementation and Why Flux to learn more about the design pattern.

Implementation (Flux Design Pattern)

A flattened or normalized pattern is used where any nesting is extrapolated away.

What this means is the items are encapsulated as a set of items inside an object keyed by their (the items) unique id. While access, and any ordering to the item held inside the object is provided through an Array of these ids.

The naming convention is to have objects describe the items e.g. boxes and have the array have a postfix of “List” after the singular of the singular form of the objects descriptor e.g. boxList.

This effect can then be chained, which is exactly how scenes are handled.

frameList (array of frameIds) => frames[frameId] (Frame Object)
=> frame.scenes (array of sceneIds)
=> scene[sceneId] (Scene Object).

Why Flux?

The flux design pattern is popular across most state libraries, not just VueX. It aids in ensuring errors, performance issues, or other undesired side effects don’t occur for reactivity and triggering re-renders, and creates a maintainable pattern since it’s straightforward what each object should look like.

Whats Next?

Once you’ve made it this far, you can learn more about the structure of our VueX implementation on the page

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