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Backend API Routes

The server’s API endpoints are defined under server/routes/api_v1/. The files here recieve requests from the client, query or modify the database or filesystem resource, and return a formatted response to the client. The response format and a list of these endpoints exists in the README. Read these files for the JSON result the client can expect to recieve.

File Description
index.js Delegates API routes to other files.
auth.js Handles user authentication and registration.
scenario.js Handles scenario save and management.
assets.js Handles asset uploads and management.
sim-generate.js Handles simulation generation and packaging.
admin.js Handles administrator-only operations.


On any request to the server, express-session automatically attaches a cookie containing a session id. It records that id in the sessions collection of the database which is later used to track the logged-in state of that session.

The middleware functions in server/middleware/authenticateRoutes.js are loaded on most routes and prevent requests from sessions that are not logged-in or that for which the user does not have appropriate permissions. Once a user is logged-in, the permitted API endpoints become accessible.

A user begins authentication by calling POST /api/v1/auth/login. This triggers a lookup of the user in the users collection of the database. If a match is found, the bcrypt-hashed password is compared with that of the database. On success, the server marks the user’s session as logged-in with the requested username. Subsequent requests to GET /api/v1/auth/user will return the user and its permissions list. The user can then access authenicated routes.

If a user does not yet have an account, they may first create one with POST /api/v1/auth/register. This enters the new username and hashed password into the database and creates the user’s assets directory.

The session can be ended with POST /api/v1/auth/logout, which destroys the record of the session.

Authentication endpoints are rate-limited using express-rate-limit.

Relevant Files:

  • server/routes/api_v1/auth.js
  • server/models/UserModel.js
  • server/middleware/authenticateRoutes.js
  • server/middleware/userSessionCount.js

Scenario Management

Scenarios are represented as a flattened version of the client state with additional properties stored in the scenarios collection of the database. They are retrieved by the user_id property which is the object ID of the user they they are associated with. Some methods, such as GET /api/v1/scenarios, return only a subset of the scenario object which is equivalent to the information stored in meta of the client state.

Relevant Files:

  • server/routes/api_v1/scenario.js
  • server/models/ScenarioModel.js

Asset Management

Users may manage assets in their own user data directory. This directory is created when the user registers their account and includes a copy of the default asset library.

Asset uploads are handled by express-fileupload which automatically recieves uploaded files and makes them available as part of the request object. Several checks are performed to make sure the asset type matches its extension, and the filename string is sanitized with sanitize-filename before it is saved.

Clip and actor (JavaScript) assets may not be renamed due to implementation issues with Animate. These assets are also run through a script which enables asset customization.

Finally, a new process is started to generate a thumbnail of each asset in the background. Because the Animate assets use the HTML canvas and other browser JavaScript unavailable in Node, puppeteer is used to render thumbnails in a headless Chromium instance.

Relevant Files:

  • server/routes/api_v1/assets.js
  • server/common/thumbnail.js

Simulation Interoperability

Relevant Files:

  • server/routes/api_v1/sim-generate.js
  • server/common/publish.js


These endpoints include middleware which require administrator permissions and the user’s password to access.

An administrator may list and modify the properties of all users. Additionally they may change the password of a user and delete a user. On user deletion, their database record and assets directory are destroyed.

Relevant Files:

  • server/routes/api_v1/admin.js
  • server/models/UserModel.js
  • server/middleware/authenticateRoutes.js

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